We constantly see more and more celebrity paternity DNA tests on the tabloids. Paternity testing is the single scientific means of resolving doubts regarding paternity. Chris Rock has taken a paternity DNA test as has, in another independent paternity dispute, the alleged father of Kourtney Kardashian’s child.

Questions have surfaced regarding the paternity of Kourtney Kardashian’s baby boy, Mason Dash Disick. The father is apparently or allegedly Scott Disick and hence, the child bears the name. However, another man, Michael Girgenti, a 23 year old model, has appeared on the scene claiming to be the father of the child.

Kourtney Kardashian does not exclude the possibility that Girgenti may be the biological father of the child as the two engaged in a sexual relationship at around the time of the child’s conception. In fact, there are at least two occasions on which Michael and Kourtney allegedly had sex when her relationship with Scott was on the rocks.

In an interview with Star Magazine, Michael is said to have revealed a lot about his relationship with Kourtney and her relationship with him. The child was born on December 14th and Michael has been trying to contact Kourtney to voice his claim regarding paternity. His attempt at keeping communication lines open was stalled as Kourtney did not reply. He demands that a paternity DNA test be taken to solve the issue. Michael is keen to assume his paternal responsibilities if he truly is baby Mason’s biological father.

Paternity DNA tests are today the standard and indispensible means of solving paternity disputes. Elvis Presley was the alleged father of a child from one of his fans. Unfortunately, DNA testing was too far off from what it is today and paternity tests were not around yet. This means that acknowledging paternity was often done out of goodwill. Presley did in fact set up a trust to maintain his alleged child till the age of 24.

Chris Rock, the American comedian and actor, has also been involved in a paternity suit with actress Kali Bowyer who claims her 13 year old son’s father is Chris Rock, but the courts rejected the first paternity suit and thus, following advice of her lawyer, Bowyer has sought to open a second paternity suit.

The 13 year old boy suffers from epilepsy and is undergoing medical tests and treatments.  Bowyer is seeking support from Rock the child’s alleged father. A paternity DNA test was used to clarify the dispute and get Rock to take on his legal paternal responsibilities. The DNA test results proved that Rock was not in fact the biological father of the 13 year old boy. However, Bowyer re-opened the paternity suit and challenged the results, asking that Rock take another paternity DNA test.

paternity DNA test is often done by means of a simple mouth swab and in most cases DNA paternity tests are motherless and done without the mother’s samples. A DNA paternity test will leave no doubt as to who the biological father of a child is and provide an exclusion of paternity of 100%. If the tested father is the child’s biological father, the inclusion will be 99.9% or higher.