Have that lingering question in your mind: “Am I the father?” Due to advances in DNA technology, there has been a sharp increase in the number of home paternity testing in Canada. Across the country, it has never been simpler, more accurate or better value for money.

The simplicity of home paternity testing enables people to purchase their test privately, collect their DNA samples in private, return these samples to the chosen laboratory, together with their paperwork, and receive the results on their chosen email account. From start to finish, the process is easy to follow, accurate.

Parental Verification: How does DNA analysis work?

Once you have selected a DNA testing company, ensuring always that they work with a fully accredited laboratory, they will send you a sample collection kit. This kit consists of surgical swabs, used to collect your DNA sample, and paperwork indicating who each sample belongs to. Each person involved in the test will have two swabs to rub on the inside cheek of the mouth, thus collecting cheek cells. The swabs are then left to dry in an upright position, not touching any other object, and once dry, may be replaced in the envelopes provided, together with the relevant paperwork.

How accurate is paternity analysis?

Home paternity tests will provide results with up to 99.999% accuracy. The key factor in this accuracy lies in the collection of the dna samples. It is important to read and fully understand the sample collection instructions, and follow them exactly. Cross contamination is the most common error in sample collection, so be sure to keep the swabs clear of any other contact, other than with the person they are collecting the sample from.  Although it is not necessary to have a mother’s sample to provide an accurate result, it is recommended to include it and it will add strength to the final result of that test.

Am I the father? Why do so many people want to know?

The most common reason for a person to want to confirm the father child relationship is if there is any doubt over a child’s paternity. Scientific confirmation, regardless of its results, will provide an end to any doubts or suspicions. For this reason, these tests are often referred to as “peace of mind tests”, because that is exactly what they give people.

Thanks to the accessibility of DNA testing, no parent needs to live with uncertainty. A forensic DNA test, performed in private will now provide a quick and accurate answer to the most important of questions.

How does a Home Paternity Test and a Legal Test differ?

The difference between the home paternity test and the legal paternity test lies purely in the way the DNA samples are collected. Provided you are using an accredited laboratory, there will be absolutely no difference in the accuracy of results. For a paternity test to be admissible in a Canadian court of law, the samples must be collected under the supervision of a medical professional, who will assume all responsibility for sending them to the laboratory, and is able to bear witness to the authenticity of the samples. Whichever the test you decide to do, only a DNA test will answer the question “Am I the father?” and clear those doubts.